Phloem Phloem: Growing the City into Forest

In the imagined “city grown into forest” or “phloemphloem”, as we are beginning to call it, “phloem” is the word describing single vascular tissue flows in plants that transport the produce of the sun down to the roots, and also a draw for human-life to reorient it’s «rooting» to following the phloem, the plants, the source of the sugars from the sun. “Phloemphloem“ is phloem’s plural, thus its bundle: the make and the cause of its membranous idea, its “coating coalition“,  the collective vascular ontology for an embracing and debracing interalienated coating scent (The city grown into a forest).

The book of phloems accepts the silliness of authorship and reaches for a larger collective – providing and developing one of many nodi of a planetary movement to make cities into verdant carbon draw down ecologies – that provide happiness food and purpose to humans – attempting to learn and follow the wisdom of plants and the relational laws and regulations of ecological significant others.

The cohort of thinkers embracing the coming time of forest city – this project eschews invention –  embraces the assumption / presumption that hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of others are already working on similar or even the same project. Phloemphloem project & the Book of Phloems is as a way to shape a core group of collaborators to carry the project into more ambitious terrain of implementations and, possible, commercialization.

Grafting onto the root stock of Walter Benjamin’s Book of Passages – it’s or their method fertilizes and figures the approach, passage, or phloem to a «book». The «book» will initially follow the method of the Arcades project – loose interconnected (intertwined and hyperlinked) convolutes or copses of quotations and commentaries, as a digital online project based on the (pre)hyper-text method of Benjamin’s Arcades Project. The project collects XXth and XXIst century alphanumerical and ideographical quotes, pictures, commentary and links that build the case for the inevitable growing of cities into forests as formats and trajectories for nonlinear writing – looking at different software/protocols but going to start with simple hyperlinked wordpress.

Fantasies are running wild with the Phloemphloem project & the Book of Phloems. Start collecting entries!, and try to stay in the phloem. Make the it happen, launder the dream, and launder reality.


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