Sod and Moss Couch

 Revived village wall and transplanted moss | Especulograma de Sant Sebastià ,  August , 2020

   Furniture / eco-sculpture for resting on history.  By the middle of the second day, there was an awkward fold and pile of discarded top soil moss layer – turf from the uncovering of the floor. In an flash of inspiration, I realized the turf could be combined with the crumbling wall with the nice view. Picking up the loose stones in the “agora” and reshaping the base of a collapsed wall into a combination bench, table, counter, and couch.

We recovered the wall with the turf ripped off the flagstones. The wall became a piece of excellent indoor/outdoor furniture in the imagined “city grown into forest” or “phloemphloem” as we are beginning to call it.


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