discursive seed bombs
Control Losing: exercises for melting
Some discursive seed bombs
and/or, Control Losing: exercises for melting.
a deactivist mediation for climate changed
a meditation on climate changed
mediation or substration?
or some discursive seed bombs
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Disturbances in the Field
Charlotte Street Foundation
la Esquina Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri
November 15, 2015
At the Headwaters
Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts, Gary, Indiana
Sarah Lewison and duskin drum share from their work on the nature of being in a time of melting. Poaching from permaculture and microbiology to experimentally enact discursive seed bombs, participants are invited to temporarily lose control of imagining feelings about futures…in an aleatory group reading Storytelling, word games, dance; risk germination. Free and open to the public.
We attempt to enact a discursive seed bombing confusing cryontology and bacterial ecosexuality. This lecture melting interaction invites participants to temporarily lose control of imagining feelings about futures…. and mash-it up. Storytelling, wordgames, dance; risk germination.